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One Mahurangi

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  • Create partnerships and generate more work at our networking events
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  • Receive discounts on purchases from local stores (T&Cs apply)
  • Have your say on local regulatory and infrastructure changes that could affect your business
  • Have voting rights on One Mahurangi matters as defined in the constitution

The Warkworth area is experiencing significant growth. Don’t miss out, JOIN US now.

Read the latest update HERE>

Te Hokinga Mahara – A Collection of Memories by Hokimai-anahera Rosieur | Mahurangi River Art Installation |

“This expansive sound and light installation tells the story of Mahurangi, and the enduring presence of te tangata whenua iwi, Ngāti Manuhiri. The 16-minute composition plays at 8pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.” Location: The treeline, along the Mahurangi riverbank; best viewed from the Warkworth wharf. For more information click HERE>
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Starting 29th May 2024. Book your place through Eventbrite HERE>

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