AGM 2023

Register through Eventbrite by clicking here or email

As per the constitution, to vote at the OMBA AGM 2023 you need to be a registered BID Affiliate or Associate OMBA member. More information about OMBA membership here>

Links to important OMBA AGM 2023 documents

(Hover and click on items below):

AGM 2023 Minutes

Constitution Documents

  • OMBA Constitution Sep 2022 | Updated to comply with the new BID Policy
  • BID Policy | The Business Improvement District (BID) Policy sets out the rules for governing a ​BID programme. The BID Policy was approved by the Finance and Performance Committee on 26 July 2022. It became operative on 1 August 2022. BID Policy 2022 document
Email One Mahurangi Manager, Murray Chapman, for further information:

Details and documents from the 2022 AGM HERE>