14 Point Wells Road, Point Wells, New Zealand
0274 936 800
Matakana Coast Real Estate

Matakana Coast – Now a byword for luxurious, laid back living less than an hour North of central Auckland; actually a collection of little villages, each with its own unique characteristics, community and attractions. Leigh, with dramatic rocky cliffs overlooking deep blue seas, Goat Island Marine Reserve and the fishing port; Point Wells, known as the Garden Village for its peat soils and subtropical microclimate, enclosed by beautiful Whangateau Harbour; Omaha Beach, home to the rich and famous, with its pearly white sands and crystal waters; Sandspit, gateway to the fishing playground of Kawau Bay and surrounded by gorgeous views; Snells Beach and Algies Bay are traditional kiwi holiday bach areas, with Algies Bay being smaller and a little more exclusive; Scotts Landing; with the historic Scott homestead and stunning views across Mahurangi Harbour. At the centre of it all, Matakana, surrounded by boutique vineyards and home to a bustling Farmers Market, boutique cinemas and exquisite shops. Further inland, the main town of Warkworth is well-known for its lovely Mahurangi River and historic town centre, while Wellsford further North is the centrepiece of Rural North Rodney – Rolling hills of green interspersed with blocks of regenerating native bush, alive with birdsong. Travel through the area and enjoy glimpses of stunning coastlines and winding country roads that lead to friendly villages where people stop and chat or wave as they are passing; take your boat to your local ramp on one of the many harbour inlets in the area, yours might be the only one launched there that day! There is a property to suit every budget, from multimillion dollar mansions with stunning views, to little houses tucked away down a private road. Mike Pero Real Estate sells more property than anyone in Matakana Coast and wider Northern Rodney, so one of their offices in Matakana, Warkworth, Point Wells, or Wellsford should be your first port of call if you are thinking of selling or purchasing in this area.