6th Oct 2022 Update | The School Holidays and beyond

Will we get the elected representatives we need?
As we head into the last few days of the Local Body elections it does seem from media reports that polling numbers are at an all-time low and questions are being asked about the reasons for voter apathy.
I have the greatest respect for anyone who puts themselves forward for a position within local or central Government. The hours that a lot of them work and the often uninformed abuse they receive is not something that I personally would ever want to be a part of. I have always believed that if you don’t vote then you have no right to complain.
So, why are we so slow in making the effort to get our votes in, after all, these are the people who will be making decisions that will affect our everyday life. One would think that that would be motivation enough to vote. If you haven’t already, you can drop your completed voting papers into the Warkwork library by midday this Saturday.
While we’re talking about governance, One Mahurangi will be hosting our AGM on the 19th of this month, and in we look forward to seeing you there. Coming along to the AGM won’t mean you are committing to anything you don’t want to be. You can still support what is happening in our business community without being roped into joining the committee as I often hear people being afraid of. 
Two positive outcomes from attending an AGM:
1: You will get to see what is happening within the particular organisation and perhaps influence its direction by expressing your perspectives and seeing where you can add your involvement.
2: Catching up with people who have similar interests and making new, collaborative connections. 

We are Stronger Together.

Finally, don’t forget to Explore Mahurangi during these school holidays. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful and interesting town and region. Pop into the Warkworth Information Centre and talk to the team about where you can go and what you can do. They have put together an activities poster with links to websites that you can see here > https://onemahurangi.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/School-Holiday-activities.pdf

Support Local, Buy Local, Employ Local, Love Local!

Murray Chapman
Manager, One Mahurangi Business Association

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