25th Aug Update – Spring is coming and love is in the air!

This would have to have been one of the wettest winters on record and you can see from the slump in people’s shoulders that everyone has just about had enough.
I can really see the difference when the sun starts to shine, and people start to have that little spring in their step and a smile for people as they pass by. The days are getting warmer, and it won’t be long before Daylight Saving starts on the 25th of September. We can look forward to longer and hopefully warm evenings once again!
Now is the time to start thinking about how you can capitalise on that Spring feeling. What can you offer your customers, clients, or staff to help boost sales or performance? Is it time for a Spring clean of your shop or premises? Now might be the season to give your business that little bit of spit and polish before the summer rush begins and while you have the time to do it. 
I am looking forward to dressing in casual summer clothes, seeing the streets fill up with people and the smiles on all the faces as we all realise that warmer weather is almost here.
Let’s all work together to make our town look as nice as possible so that people have a reason to stop and browse, enjoy a coffee in any of our wonderful cafés and to spend money!
We can do this because spring is almost here, love is in the air, and we have survived another wet winter here in paradise. We look forward to the warmer weather and all the buzz that comes with the returning foot traffic into our town.

Murray Chapman
Manager, One Mahurangi Business Association

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