22nd of Sep Update – Change is Here

Change is here
The Queen is dead, long live the King. This is a phrase we have all heard over the last couple of weeks and whatever your thoughts on the Monarchy we have to applaud the Queen for her unstinting years of service. I will admit to shedding a tear or two.
It is not only the UK that is undergoing change, it is happening around us as we move very quickly through the year. Some ongoing, local roadworks look near completion and I am sure those of you that travel between Warkworth and Wellsford will be very happy to see that particular stretch of roadworks virtually finished.
I know there will be tradespeople and businesses in the Industrial area of Warkworth encouraging their customers to confirm contracts and orders so projects and plans can be completed before year’s end. In the Warkworth CBD we see the summer sales of new stock starting to be advertised. It’s a very good time for customers to purchase items for next winter as shops try to clear their winter stock.

With all the changes over the last year, understandably relationship dynamics in the workplace have probably taken extra strain. We would like to invite you to an informal workshop at the Bridgehouse back bar on the 5th of October with workplace relationship expert Thelma French. Thelma will help get your team flourishing again in time for Summer and the inevitable changes and developments that will come with the shift in mood. See the link and ad for the event below.
One Mahurangi has our AGM on the 19th of October, 5.30 pm at the back bar of the Bridgehouse. We would love to see as many of you as possible at the evening. Think of it as a networking event as well as an AGM. If you would like to put your name forward to be on our Committee please contact me and I will let you know what is required.  We always need new ideas, and new energy as we move forward. (We have a page on our website with AGM information and documentation.)
Spring is here, the smiles are back, and there are more people on the streets again. Let’s all look at how we can benefit from the warmer weather, the longer days, and the lift in spirits. What promotions can you provide either by yourself or perhaps in conjunction with other businesses to put you ahead of the Christmas shopping surge? At One Mahurangi we have been drafting up some ideas and look forward to sharing them with you shortly.
Like the seasons, change is always inevitable and we have to learn to embrace it and adapt. And like always, remember we are Stronger Together.

Murray Chapman
Manager, One Mahurangi Business Association

Support Local, Buy Local, Employ Local, Love Local!

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