11th August Update – Your vote is important

Your vote is important
The Local Body and Mayoral election campaigns have started and already it seems to me that on Facebook especially, it is rapidly becoming more about personality rather than policy. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised with Facebook as more and more it seems to have become a source of misinformation and a way to attack rather than support.

One Mahurangi will be hosting a Candidates Debate for our Local Board and Councillors on the 24th of August in the Back Bar of the Bridgehouse Hotel, Warkworth. This is a great opportunity for you to come along and quiz our candidates about what they will bring to the table and how it will benefit our area.
Before this, on the 18th of August, hosted by the Northern Action Group, the Auckland Mayoral Debate will be held at the Warkworth Town Hall. Again, this will give you a chance to clarify your thinking about who you think will best represent you and our region.
Traditionally voting numbers are low for Local Government elections but given the challenges we face in the Mahurangi region with growth, infrastructure, and the possibility of intensification around housing, I believe this is the time to research the policies of the candidates and take the time to vote.
Don’t focus on personalities and the personal attacks you may see on Facebook. Instead, vote for the policies and candidates you think will best represent our area and will bring positive change. Use your voice and your vote because we are Stronger Together.

Murray Chapman
Manager, One Mahurangi Business Association

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